Back to normal? How Asian insurers are responding to rising interest rates

Rising interest rates have resulted in significant losses on the existing portfolios of Asian insurers while the overall impact on their solvency position has been positive.

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Results: 25 Matches

Jan 13, 2021 Multi Asset

Multi-asset funds - the right mix for many market phases

With broad diversification across different asset classes, multi-asset funds can turn out to be yielding portfolio building blocks -- even in difficult market phases.

Equities, Multi Asset
Dec 06, 2020 Sustainability

Climate change: turning it into an investment opportunity

Climate change poses many risks - but for companies and investors working to counter it, it could also offer a number of opportunities.

Sustainability, ESG, Equities, Energy
Nov 19, 2020 Infrastructure

Infrastructure - 10 facts that every investor should know

The cost of expanding and modernising infrastructure runs into billions every year. But more investment will be needed. Find out what makes infrastructure so special for investors.

Infrastructure, Equities
Nov 13, 2020 Sustainability

Water - investing in "blue gold"

H2O is now a global business. More and more companies are active in the water sector, which is awash with defensive characteristics and offers the chance of stable returns.

Equities, ESG, Sustainability
Oct 22, 2020 Sustainability

Sustainability: 17 goals that are changing the world

Five years ago, the United Nations adopted 17 sustainability goals. The decision was a milestone – and that applies to financial markets too.

Equities, Sustainability, ESG
Oct 07, 2020 Fixed Income

Demographics squeezing yields

Yields are hovering at zero percent– are the monetary policies of the central banks the sole cause? No, not necessarily. There are clear indications that demographic changes also play a role.

Central banks, Fixed Income, Inflation, Demography
Sep 29, 2020 Equities

Investing in health: it’s not all about Covid

Demographic changes should further increase demand for healthcare services in the coming years. This opens up return opportunities for investors.

Equities, ESG, Sustainability, Health Care
Sep 17, 2020 Fixed Income

EU bonds: the opportunities they offer investors

As an institution, the European Union is borrowing on a large scale for the first time for its reconstruction fund. This creates opportunities for security-conscious investors.

Fixed Income, Government Bonds, Sustainability, European Union
Sep 11, 2020 Currencies

Everything you need to know about currency risk

How dangerous is currency risk for investors? When is it worth hedging and when not?

Currencies, Equities, Fixed Income, Macro
Sep 07, 2020 Equities

Looking to 2030: shares and infrastructure are the favourites

The coronavirus crisis has further shifted the weighting of individual asset classes‘ return prospects for the next decade. Equities and alternative investments look particularly likely to offer private investors relatively good earnings opportunities.

Equities, Fixed Income, Bonds, Corporate Bonds, Government Bonds, High yield, Real Estate, Infrastructure, USA, Europe, Emerging Markets
Sep 07, 2020 Infrastructure

Telecommunications - the 5G revolution offers return opportunities

The telecommunications industry is preparing for a new era - that of ultra-fast data exchange via 5G mobile networks. How can investors benefit from this megatrend?

Infrastructure, Equities
Aug 31, 2020 Equities

How sustainable is current tech-stock dominance?

So far, the coronavirus crisis seems to have had little effect on large technology companies. But DWS fund manager Andre Köttner warns against excessive euphoria and explains why he believes good risk diversification is a better strategy in the long run.

Equities, Technology
Aug 26, 2020 Equities

Five facts investors should know about inflation

Central banks are flooding the markets with liquidity, while governments are launching economic stimulus programmes and pushing public debt levels to record highs: Have inflation risks increased as a result? Here is why investors should always keep an eye on inflation – not only in times of corona.

Inflation, Central banks
Aug 24, 2020 ESG

ESG - Investing in the fourth dimension

Why there will probably be no way around ESG criteria such as environmental protection, social standards and good corporate governance in investment in future.

ESG, Equities, Sustainability
Aug 18, 2020 Sustainability

Green bonds are on the rise

Equities are not the only way to support sustainability and climate protection. You can do this with bonds too. Learn why this segment is booming and what investors should know.

ESG, Fixed Income, Sustainability, Bonds
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