
Results: 391 Matches

Jul 26, 2024 APAC CIO View


By: Ivy-sw Ng, Tommy Law

Same Consumption Downgrade, Divergent Paths Ahead for China and Japan

Jul 26, 2024 Commodities

Bloomberg Commodity Index looks soft

Grains have often shown where commodities are heading

Commodities, Europa
Jul 19, 2024 ESG

The last emissions cuts better be the deepest

Based on current trajectories, Europe’s 2030 greenhouse-gas-emission ambitions are in jeopardy. To meet its targets, Europe needs to dial up decarbonization efforts.

ESG, Europa
Jul 12, 2024 Currencies

Yen to dollar at its weakest level since 1986

Short-term we see only a small chance of a sustainable countermove

Central banks, Interest
Jul 12, 2024 Politics

Is Mr. Market Apolitical? Not quite

By: Maria Milina, Robert Bush, Jason Chen, Johannes Müller

Politics, Developed Markets, Thematics
Jul 08, 2024 Elections

French elections - a noisy non-event

No clear winner. The worst might have been averted from a (European) perspective, while from a French perspective some uncertainty will persist until a government emerges.

Elections, Europa
Jul 05, 2024 Central banks

After the June cut: what’s ahead for ECB rates

The ECB cut its policy rates in June, as expected. But that does not mean that the Frankfurt- based central bank will cut again in July.

Central banks, Interest
Jul 04, 2024 Equities

Investment Traffic Lights

By: Björn Jesch

Our monthly market analysis and positioning

Macro, Alternative Assets, Equities, Fixed Income
Jul 03, 2024 Asia & Pacific


By: Ivy-sw Ng, Tommy Law

China’s Journey to Expand EV Exports

Real Estate
Jul 01, 2024 Elections

Exciting election – lame consequences?

By: Björn Jesch, Peter Doralt, Francis (Frank) J. Kelly

In coming months, markets might get unnerved, temporarily overpricing political risks.

Americas, Elections, Macro
Jul 01, 2024 Elections

Americas CIO View

By: David Bianco

U.S. Elections 2024 & Fiscal Repair: Taxes, tariffs or a third choice?

Americas, Equities
Jun 28, 2024 Macro

Two years of yield curve inversion in the U.S.

Recession looks likely to be avoided this time

Jun 24, 2024 CIO Special

Despite recent volatility, corporate bonds are likely to continue benefiting from solid demand

By: Björn Jesch

Corporate bonds are currently in high demand. Despite already expensive spreads, in our opinion there is no trend reversal to be feared due to a healthy environment.

Europa, Fixed Income, Americas
Jun 21, 2024 Europa

French recipes for a change

In markets as in politics, perceptions often matter more than electoral realities. That helps explain why markets got spooked by snap elections in France.

Europa, Elections
Jun 19, 2024 Forecasts

Our forecasts

All forecasts at a glance

Macro, Multi Asset, Equities, Fixed Income, Alternative Assets
Results 1-15 of 391
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CIO View