Investing for the Transformation of Europe

DWS fully recognizes the investment industry’s role in furthering the wellbeing of society. We strive to fulfil this role…

Through our thought leadership

Through the partnerships we build

Through the products we develop

Ultimately, such activities should aim not only to generate returns for investors but to benefit the communities we serve. The latter can be achieved by fostering sustainability, security, resilience and innovation.

DWS already has a track record of devising and implementing investment solutions that are focused on such objectives, including in key sectors such as: real estate, infrastructure and energy efficiency as an asset class.  

Building on our experience, our ground-breaking research into the need for European Transformation has identified a number of themes we believe will be crucial to bringing about change on the scale now required.

The EU green transition

Governments undoubtedly have an important part to play in making the “green transition” a reality. According to the European Commission, the additional investments needed to reach the EU’s current 2030 climate and environmental policy goals are around €470 billion per year.[1]

In the face of this challenge, many EU member states have consistently expressed concerns over issues such as energy security, complex regulation and excessive reliance on Asia for raw materials.

It is becoming increasingly clear that private markets must help fill an enormous funding gap.

Transformative infrastructure

The transformation of infrastructure will be crucial to Europe’s hopes of achieving its ambitious climate and environmental goals. As a longstanding source of greenhouse gas emissions, the transportation sector in particular is ripe for disruption with more investment needed in lithium-ion battery production capacity, electric vehicle charging point infrastructure, renewable energy and power grids.
Private capital will be key to the necessary ramp-up.

Read more about our Infrastructure capability

Transformative real estate

Transformative real estate will play a pivotal role in European Transformation with buildings accounting for more than 40% of energy consumption and over a third of greenhouse gas emissions across the continent[2] Even though the European Commission has proposed that by 2030 all new buildings must be zero emission, this still leaves the existing building stock, 85% of which will still be standing in 2050[3]

A survey[4] of central bank and national finance department officials found that retrofitting buildings was one of the best ways to stimulate growth and cut carbon emissions.

Read more about our real estate capability

Transformative energy efficiency

The benefits of improved energy efficiency are numerous and diverse. They include greater energy security, enhanced air quality, better health and wellbeing, increased productivity, jobs growth and economic stimulus.

Yet energy efficiency – which encompasses the renovation of energy-inefficient buildings – is currently the subject of one of Europe’s largest green investment gaps, with an estimated shortfall of €185 billion a year[5]

Transformative direct lending

The innovation solutions needed to bring about change increasingly comes from smaller businesses, yet securing funding has been a major challenge. In particular, small- and medium-sized business SMEs have seen their access to bank loans fall significantly since the global financial crisis with only 10% of external financing comes from capital markets.[6]

As a result, private investment via direct lending is now rightly gaining recognition as a vital means of allowing innovative SMEs to survive, thrive and fulfil their potential as the backbone of Europe’s economy. We believe it is key to European Transformation.

The dedicated research hub for European transformation

DWS and the case for European Transformation

DWS’s own research shows what is needed today is a transformation that is both multifaceted and profound.

Visit our dedicated research hub


2. See, for example, European Commission: “Energy efficiency in buildings”, February 17 2020.

3. See, for example, European Commission: “European Green Deal: Commission proposes to boost renovation and decarbonization of buildings”, December 15 2021.

4. Lloyds (2022)

5. See, for example, European Commission: “Identifying Europe’s recovery needs”, May 27 2020.

6. European Commission (March 2020). Unleashing the full potential of European SMEs

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